Transformational Leadership Scale

Find out your transformational leadership scale by taking taking this questionnaire

Start Questionnaire


Think about a situation in which you either assumed or were given a leadership role. Think about your own behaviour within this context. To what extent does each of the following statement characterize your leadership orientation?

Statement {{ }}

{{ question.text }}

Final Step

Please input the following identity information to generate your results. The results will also be emailed to you.

{{ errors.gender.message }}

{{ }}


{{ errors.questions.message }}

Your Transformational Leadership Scale

A score of 6 or greater reflects a strong orientation to engage in each of these behaviors.
A score of 2 or less reflects that you are unlikely to engage in each of these behaviors.

Category Score (1 - 7)
Articulate Vision {{ results.scores.articulateVision }}
Role Model {{ results.scores.roleModel }}
Foster Goal Acceptance {{ results.scores.fosterGoalAcceptance }}
Performance Expectations {{ results.scores.performanceExpectations }}
Individual Support {{ results.scores.individualSupport }}
Intellectual Simulation {{ results.scores.intellectualSimulation }}
Transactional Leader Behaviour {{ results.scores.transactionalLeaderBehaviour }}